How and Why The Stabilization Program Works

The Stabilization Program works by training the trunk muscles to effectively stabilize the lower back. The exercises train the lumbar stabilizers without putting excessive load through the lumbar tissues.

You are taught specific ways to move that minimize wear and tear through the lower back.

Because your symptoms have been matched to the correct exercise programming you will have better results.

Each week the exercise programming is progressed so you will improve week by week.

You do the exercises daily, which has been shown to maximize the effectiveness of exercise for lower back pain.

Evidence Proving the Effectiveness of Specific Exercise Done Consistently to Address Lower Back Pain

Physical activity and exercise are proven to decrease pain and improve function.

The Stabilization Program is designed to give you specific exercises, movements, and back healing principles that are PROVEN to work

This is not a one size fits all program. People with back pain have been shown to respond better to specific exercises, depending on what types of positions or movements make their pain better or worse. Matching your back pain with a specific exercise program reduces pain and improves function.

Adherence to training improves outcome, exercise needs to be completed frequently and consistently

Efficacy of classification-specific treatment and adherence on outcomes in people with chronic low back pain. A one-year follow-up, prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial

Systematic review: strategies for using exercise therapy to improve outcomes in chronic low back pain.

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