The Program

Ever felt that unsettling twinge in your lower back after a day at the desk or while picking up something from the floor? You're not alone, and this is where maximizing lumbar stability can be a game-changer. Dive deep into the world of core strengthening with our hands-on program, designed to train you in the latest techniques for developing a rock-solid lower back. Discover exercises that can bolster your back’s stability like the foundations of a skyscraper.

Significant changes will occur when you apply these strategies and exercises to everyday life. We're talking improved posture, enhanced athletic performance, and a noticeable reduction in back pain – imagine being able to tackle your days with newfound confidence in your body's resilience. Whether you're a weekend warrior, a fitness enthusiast, or a professional looking to incorporate spinal health into your repertoire, the tools you'll gain here will translate into a more robust, agile you, ready to face the physical demands of life with confidence.

What you will learn

This program focuses on exercises and techniques that are crucial for building a strong, stable lower back.

This is a carefully mapped-out program that progresses you from foundational movements to more advanced techniques, all with the intention of erasing low back pain.

This program is your foundation to build greater lumbar stability, improved posture, and ultimately, a strong, pain-free back.

By the end of this program you'll be stronger, more confident in your movements, and well-equipped with the knowledge to maintain a healthy back for years to come.

12 Week Program Designed To Address Lower Back Pain Caused By Lumbar Instability And A Weak Core

  • Proven exercise programming based on lumbar stabilization research
  • Stabilize the lumbar spine
  • Minimize microtrauma of the discs, facet joints, ligaments, and muscles of the spine
  • Maximize loading tolerance of the lumbar discs, facet joints, spinal ligaments, and spinal muscles
  • Erase pain
  • Maximize function
  • Minimize the likelihood of future lower back pain episodes
  • Programming is progressed weekly
  • Video demonstrations of every movement
  • No gym or equipment required


"Before the Lumbar Stabilization Program I had lower back pain on and off for years. I'd go through periods of time when my back didn't bother me then I'd go through periods where I couldn't do anything because my pain was so bad. Standing up, exercising, picking something small up off the floor, vacuuming, just doing everyday stuff could throw my back out. Not always though, so I never knew if I was going to be fine or if my back was going to go out and I'd be in lots of pain for a week or two.

The program taught me how to move so simple everyday tasks and activities would not tweak my back. I learned how to exercise so my back would not go out. My core has gotten much stronger and my back does not feel fragile like it did. I'm not scared that my back might go out all the time.

Most of the time my back feels good and I don't even think about it. Every once in a while I have some mild lower back discomfort but it's not intense pain like it had been and it does not tend to last long.

Thank you for this program."


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Your instructor

With a robust foundation laid by his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Northern Arizona University in 2008 and a rich history of clinical expertise, Gage has dedicated over a decade to mastering the intricacies of lumbar health. An experienced clinician and acclaimed author of The Truth About Low Back Pain, he has become a beacon for thousands seeking relief from chronic low back pain and sciatica. His passion for teaching and healing is rivaled only by his commitment to evidence-based practice, which he infuses into each course to ensure that his lumbar stabilization program is not just educational, but transformative.

Gage's journey in the field has been marked by a fervent quest to uncover the most effective treatment modalities. Grounded in the realities of patient challenges—from navigating insurance constraints to cutting through ubiquitous misinformation—his "Crush Back Pain" programs are meticulously designed as a comprehensive guide for conquering back pain and sciatica. Participants in the program benefit from Gage's unique blend of scientific research and hands-on experience, all fuelled by his unwavering dedication to empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools for lasting lumbar stability.

Evidence Based

The entire program is based on medical and rehabilitation research, 16 years of experience, and YOUR desire to address low back pain naturally

Train Anywhere, Anytime

No gym or equipment required. Access program content on your phone, tablet, or computer

Tested And Proven

Precision Training for Optimal Spinal Stability. Designed to eliminate pain and build a strong, healthy back. So you can function at a high level

Build A Strong, Pain-Free Back